On Thu, 2005-01-20 at 03:39, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 11:32:40AM -0500, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> > Just how many fonts do you have anyway?
> Good question. :^)
> Just counting TTFs, ("locate .ttf | wc -l"), I apparently have 1300 !?!?

Also count: pfa pfb ttc dfont

> A few aren't "installed" fonts, but some fonts I was testing in Tux Paint,
> for example, but a good 1200 are fonts living outside "/home".
> I just noticed something.  If you hit [Esc] while Tux Paint is loading
> fonts when you go to the Text tool, it quits cleanly (from what I can tell),
> but does NOT remove the lockfile!

Yes. This is not good. There should be some way to better
control this, and determine if do_quit needs to be used.

This is the result of an emergency fix for some very bad
behavior. During start-up, it's very important that Tux Paint
respond to quit events. When I am running low on memory or
start Tux Paint with everything enabled and Electric Fence,
my system can become very unresponsive. There's also the
case of people who started Tux Paint by accident, which is
easy enough to do via a menu system.

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