Albert Cahalan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> First of all, in the CVS, could we keep translations
> out of the *.txt files? They can be added at build
> time.

No, that would an enormous dependency (Python) on all platforms +
making the build much slower.

> There's no need to keep checking in redundant
> data, bloating up the CVS records with noise.

Come on, there are just a few commit messages (I don't know why
CVS splits the commit at all), and I *usually* only generate them
before each release, i.e. about once a year (or if translators ask
for it).

> Second of all, important comments are disappearing.
> I don't know if this is intentional, but it sucks.

It's not intentional, and it sucks, but at least all the
information is available in CVS (and some of it in the changelog
file) if you need it.

Karl Ove Hufthammer
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