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On 1/6/09, Muhammad Rully <> wrote:
> Guys...ada temen minta tolong dibantu soal thesisnya yang berhubungan ama
> film dan video produksi nih.
> makasih
> ==================================================
> ==================================================
> Kuesioner untuk Master Thesis: User-based Evaluation
> Dear all,
> Saya sedang mengembangkan applikasi Online FIlm Glossary untuk master
> thesis. Film glossary ini memvisualisasi istilah-istilah dasar perfilman ke
> dalam berbagai media; video, ilustrasi, foto, dan animasi.
> Setelah saya selesai membangun prototipe, saya ingin mengumpulkan feedback
> kepuasan dari user sebagai bagian dari tahap evaluasi sistem. Maka dari itu
> saya membuat kuesioner ini.
> Survey ini terdiri dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan pendek dan hanya memakan waktu
> sebentar.
> Link untuk surveynya, bisa diakses di bawah ini:
> Terima kasih banyak atas partisipasinya. Partisipasinya akan sangat membantu
> sekali kelangsungan thesis saya.
> Kalau sekiranya ada orang lain yang mungkin relevan juga untuk mengisi
> questionnaire ini, tolong diforward juga.
> Salam,
> Vita Amanda Putri
> Master Digital Media
> Hochschule Bremerhaven
> =================================================
> =================================================
> Dear all,
> I am developing an online film term glossary application called ACT! Online.
> After I finished developing the prototype, I would like to test it and
> gather user's feedback. For that reason, I conduct user-based evaluation
> using this questionnaire.
> If you do not mind, please fill out my survey. This questionnaire consists
> of short questions about how you feel about the application and will only
> take a few minutes.
> Just one click on this link below:
> If you have another person who are likely related to this subject, it would
> be really great if you forward the survey to that person too.
> Your participation in completing this questionnaire would be a great help
> for me to complete my thesis.
> Thank you in advance and I hope you have a lot of success in your study and
> career.
> Kindly regards,
> --
> Vita Amanda Putri
> Master Digital Media
> Hochschule Bremerhaven
> --
> -----------
> Muhammad Rully Moenandir
> Langemarckstr. 169, Bremen 28199 Germany
> +49-170-2423-978 (cell phone)
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Bagi yang ingin menyumbang untuk pendirian TV Komunitas Madani Depok bisa
> transfer ke:
> Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Margonda Depok.  No. Rek. 0670010778 a.n BURSA AMAL
> Mohon konfirmasi nama, besar sumbangan, tanggal ke:
> Contact Person: pak Hafiz 021 92805591 / 08128508057, Al Qudwah, Jl
> Beringin, Jl. Margonda Raya Depok
> http://islamicbroadcasting.wordpress.comYahoo! Groups Links

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Tomi Satryatomo

"We shall build good ship here,
at a profit if we can,
at a loss if we must,
but... always a good ship."

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