On May 15, 9:44 am, "Kevin M." <drunkbastar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The article states that we don't necessarily want a funny sitcom.
> Instead, we want a good sitcom. It is a well-reasoned argument, but
> I'm not entirely sure whether I agree or disagree, largely because the
> author cites "30 Rock" as "the funniest show on NBC Thursday nights,
> if you judge funny strictly by the number of jokes." So I am left
> wanting to agree with an argument while simultaneously rejecting the
> supporting evidence.
> I haven't felt this conflicted since I believed OJ Simpson was guilty
> of murder, in spite of the fact I had no faith at all in the evidence
> against him.

While I agree with the guy's love of the "30 Rock," he loses points
for his boosting of "Parks and Rec," which so far plays like a sitcom
created by people who had heard of comedy but never created it or were
working from scripts that had been translated into Finnish then back
to English. I'm willing to give it the beneift of the doubt -- since
"The Office" was dreadful at the beginning -- but any ensemble that's
depending on Amy Poehler to carry the funny is at a disadvantage.

--Dave Sikula
TV or Not TV .... Smart (TV) People on Ice!
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