I'm curious enough to wonder if the tweets Conan showcased were real
or made up, but not curious enough to track down the profiles/accounts
of the tw*t celebrities.

Either way, it was a funny bit.

Other comments...

Forgot to mention how good it is to hear classic swing band music on
The Tonight Show again... not as fat/phat as Doc and the boys, but
still nice for the ears

Tom Hanks loves In And Out Burger... good man... I just wish he'd made
a movie in the last 15 years that showcases his comedic talent

For some reason, a styrofoam meteor hitting Tom Hanks is more amusing
than Cohen's butt hitting M&M's face (I know that isn't how it is
spelled, but if you name yourself after a candy bar, that's how I'll
spell it).

Green Day REALLY should have stopped with "American Idiot"

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 4:37 PM, David Bruggeman <bru...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Seeing how the entertainment press have redefined banal in their use of
> Twitter, I think Conan was making fun more about the content than the
> service.
> In Fallon's sort-of defense, he does run those sketches poking fun at the
> subgenre of reality TV popular on MTV.  I think they fall closer to copy
> than parody, but YMMV.
> And what Dave Sikula said.
> David
> ________________________________
> From: Mark J. <mjeffr...@marcrealty.com>
> As the brain trust who runs this board debates on whether to keep up
> Tom's old Twitter account for the site, interesting that Conan did a
> sketch last night that wasn't too kind to Twitter (or at least some of
> the people who use it)--pandering to the Leno audience or just healthy
> skepticism?(not to mention taking a shot at his moron "Late Night"
> replacement)--NY Mag worries it's the former:
> http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2009/06/conan_fallon_twitter.html
> Speaking of Fallon, I will force myself to check out certain clips of
> Monday's show after hearing that Anne Hathaway (a) sang and played
> guitar and (b) was not wearing anything under her red dress.  I know,
> perv.
> >

Kevin M. (RPCV)

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