PGage wrote:

>Normally I would be making fun of CNN anchor Tony Harris reportage of this
story (he is
>treating her as one of the major stars and actresses of her generation -
she was not).

Giving the anchor the benefit of the doubt, that is, how the story is
reported is a function of the producer, I think CNN (and all news sources)
defines "major" with regard to name recognition by the low end of the
middle-common denominator.  I watched *Battleground* last night and I knew
James Whitmore had died, but I could not remember exactly when or the cause,
though I assumed his death a function of his age.  I always liked his work
and he seemed like a nice guy, especially in his gardening commercials, but
the announcement of his death was filler because what had he done lately?

Farrah Fawcett, on the other hand, was just on network television in a
special focusing on her battle with cancer.  Her son was allowed to leave
prison and visit her albeit.  Ryan O'Neal just announced his intention to
marry Farrah.  Mix that in with the nostalgia her name and poster image
evokes in the upper-end of the key demographic; love her or hate her, she
was a part of the junior high/high school days of many people; and you have
a "major" star/actress/icon.

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