I don't remember what NBC ran (L&O: CI might have returned to the network, I'm 
not sure), but I do recall the following cable shows going to network.

Monk - ABC (yes, ABC, I don't remember why them and not NBC)
Dexter - CBS

So while I guess you can edit a program from cable to broadcast like Dexter, 
I'm not so sure you should.

And Stargate:Atlantis blows even harder in syndication.


From: Kevin M. <drunkbastar...@gmail.com>

A while back, I think during the WGA strike, NBC opted to show some of
its cable programing on the primary peacock network instead of reruns
(CBS, too). I would think a series like "Rescue Me" or some other
Fox-owned show might benefit from a Friday night airing on Fox. Not
that I don't want "House" to build on its audience (this season has
been great so far), but to me the concept of rerunning a show seems

Oh yeah, one more thing: suck it Dollhouse fans.
Kevin M. (boo ya)

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