This is what I posted on the latest Conan post on the media decoder blog:

Since there are no comments on the Dick Ebersol article let me just
say he is only compounding the damage to NBC. I didn't think NBC execs could
make things any worse, but he certainly has. To say that Conan is failing in
the ratings (on the same day NBC sent out a press release bragging about his
ratings including the period before it because clear they were going to
screw him over) because Leno won even when NBC's prime time wasn't doing
well ignores a number of factors. First, Leno lost to Letterman until Hugh
Grant's poor judgement gave him a boost. They haven't given Conan nearly as
much time as they gave Leno. It is also a far different media landscape now
where people have far more options if they aren't watching NBC because of
Zucker's failed experiment with Leno. And while he wrongly says Conan
failed, he doesn't admit that Leno failed. It is "chicken-hearted and
gutless" to attack Conan and Letterman while saying they shouldn't make fun
of Leno. As if Leno is an innocent bystander who has no history. And
ignoring that it has resulted in some of the funniest jokes from all of the
late night shows in a while. He also doesn't seem to remember that Letterman
came from a city in the central time zone, Indianapolis (where I lived for 9
years & I was born in Chicago and lived in Iowa). And that many of us who
came from the central time zone not only prefer Letterman and Conan (and we
live in an era when we can watch both), but we dislike Leno. I actually
watched the Jay Leno show for the first time on Tuesday and it was awful.
Even his attempts to joke about the current disaster were bad. He wasn't
funny at all. And the last horrid roundtable segment shows how good Bill
Maher is and how bad Leno is.

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