Wow. If I were programing director for FoxNews, I'd be running clips
of this interview non-stop for the next week. Maddow continually
states she and Stewart are in the same game -- either she believes she
is doing a comedy show or Stewart isn't.

So many of Stewart's analogies, of which I am rarely a fan, work well
in this interview, specifically the analogy of the weather. Taken in
turn, any individual show on a network isn't evidence of a bias or
lack of journalism, but it accumulates by a magnitude. The results are
MSNBC and FoxNews personalities overshadowing any journalism that may
be taking place.

Also mentioned was that Stewart believes, as I do, that while FoxNews
and MSNBC go about it in different ways, their partisan natures are
evident. And whereas Maddow stated neither she nor any other member of
MSNBC's news team has endorsed a candidate, Keith's recent newsmaking
revealed that to not be the truth.

Overall, I was impressed with Maddow's interviewing posture, which I'm
not normally a fan of. I was concerned when she began by stating she
liked the recent rally, because I thought she was going to make the
interview about herself instead of Stewart. But it turned out that WAS
what the interview was intended to be about.

This was Stewart going on MSNBC and articulating its core problems in
much the same way he did on CNN's Crossfire however many years ago
that was. He was able to say thing on Maddow's show that have no place
on his own show. I don't know how much of the interview aired, but
everyone who watches MSNBC should watch the entire interview. And they
should hope nobody from FoxNews watched it, because it is -- however
respectfully -- damning.

On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 10:39 AM, David Bruggeman <> wrote:
> Long (nearly 50 minute) sit-down covering what Stewart was intending with
> the rally, and with his media criticism in general.
> - you'll probably
> have to click on something to get the full interview.  Clips are available
> from here as well.
> Entertainment Weekly bit on the interview:
> If there are soundbites to take from this, it might be from the section
> starting around 41:55 and going to about 43:15
> David
> --
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