On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Dave Sikula <dsik...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Maybe the media reviews haven't been overwhelmingly favorable, but a
> number of people I know -- both in reality and virtually -- love the show.
> As I said, I don't share their enthusiasm, but more power to them for
> grokking into what Sorkin is trying to do.
> I'm sure there are people I know who don't understand my love of "Breaking
> Bad," but that doesn't mean they're wrong.

I'm sure you do know people who love the show, but I don't think that rally
supports the claim that Sorkin has been getting a lot of adulation. My
guess is that of all published reviews of Newsroom at least 2/3 have been
negative (and I think that is a conservative estimate). That ratio of
negative to positive reviews was almost certainly higher for Studio 60. I
suspect you (and the majority of reviewers of Newsroom) are working off of
a perceived media halo that Sorkin wore that is more than 10 years
obsolete. The curiosity is not "all the adulation" that Sorkin gets (he
does not get much), but all the animosity he seems to generate.

I love Breaking Bad too (and I'm afraid I do believe that people who think
it is a bad show are wrong) - but I find your use of that program in this
thread as illustrative of the problem. BB is one of the two or three best
dramas on television, some will argue it will go down as one of the top ten
to ever be on television (and I won't disagree with either claim). I feel
like the animosity Sorkin generates is from people who somehow expect that
unless he is writing one of the 2 or 3 best shows on television then he
should be ashamed of himself.

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