On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 2:17 PM, Kevin M. <drunkbastar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 7:05 AM, PGage <pga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Which leads me to my main criticism, which is doing this in front of a
>> live audience - would much have preferred a quiet, intimate setting.
>> Tom Snyder would almost certainly have agreed with you.

James Franco was a recent guest on Marc Maron's WTF. They started the
conversation by recalling that Franco had appeared on a live WTF as part of
a panel in front of an audience and how weird it went. Maron said having a
live audience turns a conversation into a performance and trained
performers know they have to keep the audience engaged and that leads to
laugh lines and applause lines. Maron no longer does the live shows which
shows he thinks that's not the best way to an in depth conversation.

It took me a few days to find a way to watch the first episode as I do not
have Netflix. I stayed away from reading reviews because they would all
compare this show to the late night shows and that's just lazy on the
reviewers' part. It felt good for a first episode. I especially like the
intercutting between the interview and the pretape. Dave would bring up the
topic of race and they would go to the pretape in Selma. Then Obama would
comment on that segment and that kept the conversation alive and focused.

The show has room to grow. As they go along I'm sure it will improve.

And it is a norm that an ex-president does not comment on the job the
current president is doing. As we live in a time that the current house is
smashing norms all the time it wouldn't be beyond the acceptable if Obama
smashed the norm as well. But one thing ex-presidents know is what the
current occupant is going through every day and it's respect for the office
not to slam him.

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