Bravo NBC! This is how you do a broadway musical on television. Everyone
and everything about this production was really good. Legend was the
perfect choice and was amazing - but the other main players were great too.
Bareilles’s voice was pure. Dixon was outstanding. I loved too the way they
staged it and the images they were able to capture. The thing was
breathtaking. I never saw the show on Broadway, but I have seen it done
professionally (an unprofessionally) many times - and of course the in many
respects unfortunate film. This is how I always imagined it would look.

I know a lot of people like to bash this show - either Broadway purists or
religious fundamentalists. It is not a perfect show - Hamilton does what
JCS wanted to do so much better that it almost spoiled appreciation for
anything else like it. And I have a few theological bones to pick with it
(I don’t think it is anti-Semitic per se, but it does in some ways serve
the anti-Semitic line if one wants to take it. But those are problems with
the show - I can’t really imagine a production of this show being much
better than what we had tonight.

If I had two nits to pick: 1) the soloists were so strong, I wished the
chorus could have been, in some key spots, just another level or two
stronger.  Maybe they could have had a standing choir in the background to
support the players who were moving on stage? 2) the closed captioning was
a line or two behind, which seems odd since the lyrics are well known and
could have been pre-loaded (couldn’t they?).

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