I’m surprised there’s been no discussion of Dave Chappelle’s “Sticks and
Stones” Netflix special. Chappelle plays whack-a-mole with controversial
topics, including the LGBTQ community, Louis CK critics and Michael Jackson
victims. He takes a couple of whacks at Jussie Smollett as well.
My assessment is that it is politically incorrect, but also funny.
Chappelle is a skilled comedian and just the way he tells the jokes, with
changes in tone and inflection in his voice, makes them funny. At least to
me. I have problems with the way he dismisses the victims of Louis CK and
Michael Jackson – I do hope Louis CK returns to comedy eventually, by the
way – but my problems with the show do not undermine my appreciation of it.
Many professional writers not been kind to the show.
Vice: You Can Definitely Skip Dave Chappelle's New Netflix Special 'Sticks
& Stones'
Daily Californian: In ‘Sticks and Stones,’ Dave Chappelle takes an all too
expected swing at a world rapidly leaving him behind
Salon: What happened to Dave Chappelle: The cruelty of "Sticks & Stones" is
a sign of the times
Forbes: Dave Chappelle’s ‘Sticks And Stones’ Tries Too Hard To Offend
The Guardian: Shock and bore: how Dave Chappelle lost his comic touch
The subhead on the Guardian article is: In his controversial Michael
Jackson-defending, trans-attacking Netflix special, the once-groundbreaking
comedian shows his power has been diminished
As I said earlier, the reverse is true. Chappelle uses his skills to make
the jokes work. He’s a comedian at the top of his game.
Joe Rogan noted at one point Rotten Tomatoes turned off fan ratings and
only listed five unfavorable reviews, which gave it zero stars. Since they
have allowed fan reviews and added other professional reviews, it rates 25
percent among the pros and 99 percent among fans.
In an interesting twist, the most supportive stories for Chappelle tend to
come from conservative web sites.
Chappelle is a skilled comedian. His politically incorrect barbs don’t
sting me, so I can enjoy the show, while I see others may not. But like the
best comedians, he’s also a skilled observer of our culture and there’s
much to be appreciated for that.

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