I had to search the webs for someone that was in the room. Jack Smith
stared at Trump,
and Trump would not look at Jack Smith [BTW no mug shot, but electronic
Fact checkers later did a good job of indictment reads and probation

On Fri, Aug 4, 2023 at 5:22 AM <tvornottv@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> tvornottv@googlegroups.com
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>  Google
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>    - Well, here it comes: the Trek musical
>    <#m_-2207119843657444988_group_thread_0> - 2 Updates
>    - Jacqui Oatley <#m_-2207119843657444988_group_thread_1> - 3 Updates
>    - The state of televised news… <#m_-2207119843657444988_group_thread_2>
>    - 5 Updates
>    - ItllBeOnTV: Tay-Tay first woman with four albums in top 10 on
>    Billboard 200 <#m_-2207119843657444988_group_thread_3> - 1 Update
> Well, here it comes: the Trek musical
> <http://groups.google.com/group/tvornottv/t/84bacc676f8729f6?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> "Kevin M." <drunkbastar...@gmail.com>: Aug 03 09:25PM -0700
> Just watched the Star Trek musical episode. As a musical, it wasn’t great
> but could have been worse. I’d rank it better than the Buffy musical but
> not as good as the Scrubs musical.
> But this was probably the closest we will ever get to a Star
> Trek/Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy crossover. They basically stumbled
> upon an infinite improbability drive floating around in space. The
> references were too blatant to have been coincidental or unintentional.
> --
> Kevin M. (RPCV)
> Jim Ellwanger <train...@ellwanger.tv>: Aug 03 09:42PM -0700
> I noticed the same thing, and I should have gone back to see if the
> stardate had a "42" in it.
> Back to top <#m_-2207119843657444988_digest_top>
> Jacqui Oatley
> <http://groups.google.com/group/tvornottv/t/8782d677aacdfdee?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> PGage <pga...@gmail.com>: Aug 03 06:10AM -0700
> Just wanted to again shout out Oatley’s work, this time in the Women’s WC.
> Her call of the Jamaica-Brazil match was just stellar (“And still Jamaica
> has not conceded”).
> I have now watched a lot more soccer, having seen every one of Arsenal’s PL
> matches this season, and still feel she is the best. I’m hoping for the WWC
> she will be doing the Finals.
> --
> Sent from Gmail Mobile
> Tom Wolper <twol...@gmail.com>: Aug 03 03:14PM -0400
> John Strong and Stu Holden were the top announcing team for the men’s World
> Cup. When I looked at the teams for the women’s tournament they weren’t
> working together.
> PGage <pga...@gmail.com>: Aug 03 05:16PM -0700
> I followed her on Instagram, and saw that she posted she is working through
> the quarter finals then done. That is an improvement over Men’s WC, but
> would like to see her do two more games.
> --
> Sent from Gmail Mobile
> Back to top <#m_-2207119843657444988_digest_top>
> The state of televised news…
> <http://groups.google.com/group/tvornottv/t/34809bbed348a68a?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> "Kevin M." <drunkbastar...@gmail.com>: Aug 03 01:50PM -0700
> There is a major news event occurring today, and every televised news
> outlet is handling it the same way, which is to say wrongly. Each has their
> own hosts and their own pundits speculating and pontificating instead of
> reporting. They are operating under the assumption that a live shot outside
> the courthouse is newsworthy, even though they aren’t reporting / can’t
> report on what’s occurring inside.
> So instead of reading the indictment aloud and fact-checking the charges
> with eye witnesses, video from Jan 6, or doing anything resembling
> journalism, they are guessing whether Trump will have his mugshot taken.
> It’s nothing less than disgraceful. One of the most historic days in
> American history, and it’s being covered by teams of morons.
> All the broadcast outlets (including Fox) interrupted regular scheduled
> broadcasts… for what? To show Trump walk down the stairs from his private
> jet? And to get that shot, they pointed cameras at a parked plane for how
> many minutes? Hours? What is the f-ing point?
> Where is the substance? Where are the facts? Where is the journalism? Any
> jagoff can point a camera at a building, but that’s not news. And these
> morons are all going to drive home from work today patting themselves on
> the back, genuinely believing they were a beneficial part of history, when
> in actuality they were an embarrassment to the nation.
> --
> Kevin M. (RPCV)
> PGage <pga...@gmail.com>: Aug 03 02:11PM -0700
> I don’t want to defend TV News, but I think this is a bit harsh. Images of
> a past President arriving at federal court to be arraigned probably are
> newsworthy, and this particular defendant is unconventional enough that he
> could do or say anything at any point, so probably worth following him.
> While the history books will likely record 8/3/23 as the relevant date, the
> actual breaking news date was 2 days ago, 8/1/23, when the Indictment was
> announced. On that day the TV News I watched did do much of what you
> suggest; they read large sections of the indictment (I strongly recommend
> that every American read it for themselves, it is quite digestible by
> laypeople), and had experts explain and analyze it. I am not sure about
> your suggestion that they interview witnesses to fact check the indictment
> - for the most part the criminal behavior alleged here occurred in public
> and we are all witnesses. What they did effectively I think is draw the
> lines between the well known behavior and why what may have appeared at the
> time to just be whacky, desperate behavior by Trump extremists was actually
> a criminal conspiracy. There were some crucial allegations that were not of
> public behavior, but the witnesses (really, witness) was not making himself
> available for fact checking. But again they did a good job explaining why
> the only person who could be the prime witness against Trump is Pence.
> A day like today can really only be something of a circus; absent something
> extremely unusual there will be no news made. But I thought the cable and
> broadcast tv newscasts I saw Tuesday (namely, MSNBC, CNN and CBS) did a
> competent to good job covering an actually breaking and complex story.
> --
> Sent from Gmail Mobile
> "Kevin M." <drunkbastar...@gmail.com>: Aug 03 03:06PM -0700
> If today can only be a circus, don’t televise the circus. Put on a rerun of
> the day you say the networks did read the indictment aloud. If they got
> Tuesday right, it doesn’t excuse them getting Thursday wrong.
> --
> Kevin M. (RPCV)
> Jon Delfin <jondel...@gmail.com>: Aug 03 07:46PM -0400
> and the other shoe to drop:
> is there really no other news to report? things that have actually
> happened, or are happening?
> the good news is, if you watch one hour of coverage this evening, you don't
> have to watch cable news again until Monday evening at the earliest
> "Kevin M." <drunkbastar...@gmail.com>: Aug 03 04:49PM -0700
> Two people pleaded guilty to billions of dollars in cryptocurrency fraud…
> in the same courthouse. The morons couldn’t be bothered.
> --
> Kevin M. (RPCV)
> Back to top <#m_-2207119843657444988_digest_top>
> ItllBeOnTV: Tay-Tay first woman with four albums in top 10 on Billboard
> 200
> <http://groups.google.com/group/tvornottv/t/b877e8552db678a8?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Doug Eastick <east...@eastick.ca>: Aug 03 12:42PM -0700
> 6 nights in Toronto was just announced. The country is now on pause,
> while people register at ticketmaster.ca for the lottery to buy tickets.
> On Sunday, July 30, 2023 at 9:22:15 AM UTC-4 PGage wrote:
> Back to top <#m_-2207119843657444988_digest_top>
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