On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 1:55 AM, Glyph Lefkowitz <gl...@twistedmatrix.com>wrote:

> (I was going to point you at the output of the buildbot, but it looks like
> something in trunk has broken the conversion process.  Anyone know what this
> is about? <
> http://buildbot.twistedmatrix.com/builds/sphinx-html-15724/contents.html>)
I was going to address this as well.  I've been seeing what are apparently
intermittent problems with the buildbot, though I haven't seen that one
before, since the beginning of the year when I started seriously looking at
this stuff again.

I was able to build the docs properly on the buildbot yesterday, and in fact
couldn't replicate any of the issues I had previously seen (which, in my
case, seem to mostly have to do with missing CSS files). when I was talking
to exarkun about it on IRC yesterday.

I'm not sure whether it has to do with the buildbot configuration, maybe
stuff timing out, network issues, problems in the actual conversion process,
or what.

Ideas welcome.

Kevin Horn
Twisted-Python mailing list

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