On Jan 21, 2011, at 8:29 AM, exar...@twistedmatrix.com wrote:

> I don't think it makes sense to put anything on Launchpad for now. 
> Eventually it needs to go into the canonical Twisted repository, but if 
> it's easier to leave it in GitHub for now, that's fine.

The only reason I even suggested Launchpad in the first place was to suggest a 
place where you could immediately stick a branch of the Twisted tree proper 
without having commit access, so that you could experiment within that tree.  
('bzr get lp:twisted').  I don't believe we have a mirror on github, but maybe 
somebody could correct me.

As long as we're all on the same page as far as the eventual target of these 
docs (i.e. in the Twisted tree, part of some official structure) then please 
feel free to use whatever tools make that easier for you, your existing github 
repo included.

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