On 12:54 pm, b...@fsn.hu wrote:
>Here's a sample application, which gets a key from memcached:
>from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol, defer
>from twisted.application import internet, service
>from twisted.protocols.memcache import MemCacheProtocol, DEFAULT_PORT
>mc = None
>class MemCacheFactory(protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory):
>     protocol = MemCacheProtocol
>     maxDelay = 5 # wait no more than 5 seconds to retry
>     def buildProtocol(self, addr):
>         p = self.protocol(self)
>         p.factory = self
>         p.persistentTimeOut = p.timeOut = 5
>         global mc
>         mc = p

Using a global protocol instance like this is error prone.
>         return p
>def memc():
>     factory = MemCacheFactory()
>     reactor.connectTCP('localhost', 11211, factory)
>     reactor.callLater(1,query)

What if the connection isn't set up within 1 second?
>def query():
>     res = yield mc.get('test')
>     print "XXX",res
>application = service.Application('memc')
>serviceCollection = service.IServiceCollection(application)
>If memcached is running on localhost:11211, it writes the "test" key's
>$ twistd -noy memct.py
>2011-06-03 14:48:27+0200 [-] Log opened.
>2011-06-03 14:48:27+0200 [-] twistd 10.1.0 (/usr/local/bin/python2.7
>2.7.1) starting up.
>2011-06-03 14:48:27+0200 [-] reactor class:
>2011-06-03 14:48:27+0200 [-] Starting factory
><__builtin__.MemCacheFactory instance at 0x802a38710>
>2011-06-03 14:48:28+0200 [MemCacheProtocol,client] XXX (0, None)
>Now I want to test the code for timeouts, where the TCP connection to
>memcached is open, but there is no answer.
>So instead of memcached, I start a netcat on port 11211:
>$ nc -l 11211
>And start the above program. Now I get:
>$ twistd -noy memct.py
>2011-06-03 14:50:08+0200 [-] Log opened.
>2011-06-03 14:50:08+0200 [-] twistd 10.1.0 (/usr/local/bin/python2.7
>2.7.1) starting up.
>2011-06-03 14:50:08+0200 [-] reactor class:
>2011-06-03 14:50:08+0200 [-] Starting factory
><__builtin__.MemCacheFactory instance at 0x802a38710>
>2011-06-03 14:50:14+0200 [-] Unhandled error in Deferred:
>2011-06-03 14:50:14+0200 [-] Unhandled Error
>         Traceback (most recent call last):
>         Failure: twisted.internet.defer.TimeoutError: Connection 
>2011-06-03 14:50:14+0200 [MemCacheProtocol,client]
><twisted.internet.tcp.Connector instance at 0x804027dd0> will retry in 
>2011-06-03 14:50:14+0200 [MemCacheProtocol,client] Stopping factory
><__builtin__.MemCacheFactory instance at 0x802a38710>
>As you can see, the connection is timed out, and protocols/memcached.py
>lost its connection. But how could I catch this around the "mc.get" 
>I guess this error should raise an exception, so enclosing mc.get into 
>try-except would make possible to catch this. But currently this is not
>the case?

What do you think it is not the case?  That is how inlineCallbacks makes 
Failures available to you.


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