On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Laurens Van Houtven <_...@lvh.cc> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 8:00 PM, Kevin Horn <kevin.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  * Git is annoying.  It's a pretty horrible piece of software in my
>>    opinion, and made some bad design decisions.
> magit makes it a lot more pleasant if you use emacs, by the way.

I don't.  Emacs is also annoying.

>>  * Git essentially makes Windows a second-class environment (as did
>>    Combinator).  We already have trouble recruiting Windows people, and
>>    IMO one of Twisted's strengths is that you can usually run things on
>>    Linux/MacOSX/Windows with very few cahnges, if any.
> I've been told this has *vastly* improved, but I don't know for sure since
> I'm not a Windows user.

I've heard the same thing, but if what exists now is a _vast_ improvement, I
shudder to think
what it was like before.

>>  * it is unclear how Github would work with UQDS with regards to having a
>>    ticket for all new work.  IMO this is even more important than code
>>    reviews.  Would we just say: no pull requests will be accepted unless
> Your question got cut off. I think you wanted to say "there's a ticket for
> that"?


>>  * Assuming a change like this would take place, what would the plan be
>>    for transition?  Would all the branches that are out there be
>>    migrate-able?  What about all the Trac tickets, wiki, etc?
> The first thing I thought right after I thought "we're going to need a trac
> to markdown converter" is "khorn is going to jump off a cliff next" ;-)

_almost_ funny :)

>> .
>>  * Since Twisted's current web presence _is_ a Trac site, who's going to
>>    step up and build a new website?  Github/Bitbucket/Launchpad is _NOT_
>>    a replacement for an actual "marketing" or "home page" type site.
>> Absolutely not. I am *not* advocating replacing this site, simply having
> something similar that isn't trac and isn't involved in the site
> development. If anything, this separates the concerns of "home page style
> site" and development site even clearer, IMO.

Well, the site would _have_ to be replaced by something, if Trac were to go
away.  But I think I understand what you mean.

>> Kevin Horn
>> cheers
> lvh
Kevin Horn
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