On Sep 26, 2011, at 7:37 AM, Laurens Van Houtven wrote:

> Are there any better ways to pass test data to trial?

Environment variables.

This isn't a great option, but I'd say it's definitely a better one than 
modules which monkeypatch stuff.

You can also have your test cases synthesize stuff out of data files or config 
files in your environment.

I'm not really inclined to make this super easy, since tests should by 
definition not be terribly configurable: the more knobs like this you have to 
turn, the less meaningful your test suite is likely to be.

So, today, I'd write something like this:


but if someone has a better thought, please chime in - this is by no means the 
last word on this.  And I'm facing a similar issue soon so I'd love to hear 
some diversity of opinion here.


PS: love the module name.

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