
I recently volunteered to make some visual improvements to the Twisted Trac
website. I received a lot of good feedback and suggestions from the IRC
channel, most of which I took to heart and fine-tuned the changes. I think
everyone is generally happy with the changes, I'm happy with the changes
and I'd like help with moving things forward to eventually deploy these

The branch is currently up for review on Launchpad[1], the merge proposal
contains links to some[2] static[3] pages demonstrating the style changes.
(It is worth noting that there are some quirks that are as a result of
"File -> Save As" in Firefox, I wouldn't worry about these.)

I am willing to help with the final deployment of the site changes as well
as integrating the new styling with:
* the Sphinx documentation and documentation tools;
* the Lore documentation (which I see thijs recently did some work on) if
that is necessary;
* and the pydoctor API documentation.


[1] <
[2] <https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4030134/Twisted/Twisted.htm>
[3] <https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4030134/Twisted/5047.htm>
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