Bug summary
Summary for 2012-04-22 through 2012-04-29
                  Opened     Closed      Total     Change
Enhancements:          5          1        847         +4
Defects:               3          3        545         +0
Tasks:                 2          1         73         +1
Regressions:           0          0          2         +0
Total:                10          5       1467         +5

|== Type Changes   |== Priority Changes   |== Component Changes   
|Defect:       +0  |Normal:  +3           |Core:  +4              
|Enhancement:  +4  |Low:     +2           |Web:   +1              
|Task:         +1  |Lowest:  +0                                   

Total Tickets Open Tickets
New / Reopened Bugs ______________________ ===== Normal ===== [#5652] twisted.test.test_process.ProcessTestCase.testManyProcesses fails with little information (opened by exarkun) enhancement core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5652 [#5653] twisted.internet.address.UNIXAddress.__eq__ raises TypeError sometimes (opened by exarkun) (CLOSED, fixed) defect core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5653 [#5654] `IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX` is missing a parameter to specify the bind address. (opened by exarkun) enhancement core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5654 [#5655] Improve documentation for twisted.protocols.htb (opened by gsk) enhancement core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5655 [#5656] Error in send1msg API documentation markup (opened by exarkun) (CLOSED, fixed) defect core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5656 [#5657] Missing links in core example index for sendfd.py and recvfd.py examplesd (opened by exarkun) (CLOSED, fixed) defect core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5657 [#5658] twisted.internet.task.cooperate is tied to the global reactor (opened by itamar) enhancement core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5658 ===== Low ===== [#5651] Remove deprecated t.w.static.FileTransfer (opened by thijs) task web http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5651 [#5659] Remove deprecations in twisted.web.error (opened by thijs) task web http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5659 ===== Lowest ===== [#5660] fix documentation for twisted.internet.reactor (opened by Dev0n) enhancement core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5660 Closed Bugs ______________________ ===== Normal ===== [#5653] twisted.internet.address.UNIXAddress.__eq__ raises TypeError sometimes (opened by exarkun, closed by exarkun, fixed) defect core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5653 [#5615] Allow UNIX transports to send and receive file descriptors (opened by exarkun, closed by exarkun, fixed) enhancement core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5615 [#5656] Error in send1msg API documentation markup (opened by exarkun, closed by exarkun, fixed) defect core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5656 [#5657] Missing links in core example index for sendfd.py and recvfd.py examplesd (opened by exarkun, closed by exarkun, fixed) defect core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5657 ===== Lowest ===== [#5612] Document usage and behavior of web examples (opened by argonemyth, closed by exarkun, fixed) task web http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5612 Ticket Lifetime Stats ______________________ Oldest open ticket - [#50] conch command-line client doesn't work in win32 (since 2003-07-12 16:41:06). Newest open ticket - [#5660] fix documentation for twisted.internet.reactor (since 2012-04-28 14:30:18). Mean open ticket age: 1138 days, 13:17:38.671967. Median: 1001 days, 15:44:14.143678. Standard deviation: 839 days, 17:29:14.274772. Interquartile range: 1399 days, 1:22:39. Mean time between ticket creation and ticket resolution: 709 days, 22:26:41.936647. Median: 148 days, 23:14:33. Standard deviation is 934 days, 4:25:39.332255. The interquartile range is 1277 days, 18:40:58. Mean time spent in review: 88 days, 1:46:02.436576. Median: 4 days, 6:48:49. Standard deviation: 370 days, 12:46:35.814396. Interquartile range: 15 days, 11:02:23. Mean number of times a ticket is reviewed: 1.96307094266. Median: 1 Standard deviation: 1.5669685303. Interquartile range: 1. Contributor Stats ______________________ In the last 4 weeks, 25 unique ticket reporters 6 unique ticket reviewers 5 unique ticket resolvers In the last 24 weeks, 88 unique ticket reporters 31 unique ticket reviewers 20 unique ticket resolvers In the last 48 weeks, 135 unique ticket reporters 36 unique ticket reviewers 24 unique ticket resolvers
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