The point of blockingCallFromThread is as a last resort when
interfacing with a synchronous API that can't be replaced, like the
DBAPI. It fools Twisted into thinking an external synchronous API is
asynchronous, by carefully punting it to a new thread.

I don't understand why you can't make Django do asynchronous calls.
Maybe a bit more context would help.

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 6:58 PM, Louis <> wrote:
>  Hello,
>  I am writing an application, which architecture is (I hope my
> beautiful drawing is not messed up):
>  +-------------+   +------------+   +-----------+
>  | Core Server |---| Web Server |---| Web client|
>  +-------------+   +------------+   +-----------+
>  That is, I have a core server (itself interacting with a database, but
> I think this is not important). I have a second piece of software, which
> is both a client regarding the core server, and a web server. At last,
> the web client is the web browser of your choice.
>  The web server is a Django application, which means that (as far as I
> know) I cannot (easily) make it use asynchronous calls.
>  At last, for the communication between the core server and the web
> server (which is, from this point of vue, a client), I was looking for
> something that let me use remote objects as if they were local. That is
> when I discovered Twisted.
>  Twisted seems to be the kind of tool I want to use because it seems to
> be powerful, can use SSL, authentication, transmits exceptions, is meant
> to be used with Trial (I want to write tests), etc. The problem is that
> one of the strength of Twisted is its ability to deal with asynchronous
> tasks, which I am not interested in.  Using blockingCallFromThread()
> [1], I managed to make a small package which looks (from my
> Twisted-ignorant point of vue) promising for my application, where the
> server is simply defined by (in a Twisted .tac  file):
>    # Server() is the object to be exported to the client
>    application = server.get_application(Server(),
>                  "tcp:8800:interface=localhost")
> And the client can perform something like:
>    remote = client.RemoteObject("localhost", 8800)
>    # display() is a method executed on the server
>    remote.display("Hello, world!")
>    remote.disconnect()
>  But then I noticed that I might have problem to test it using Trial
> (because an deadlock happens when blockingCallFromThread() and the
> reactor are waiting for each other in the same thread). I also had a
> look at inlineCallbacks [2], but although code looks synchronous inside
> the decorated function, the function itself still returns a deferred.  I
> noticed quite a few other minor things. And I started to realize that
> Twisted is not meant to be used that way (and I read a bunch of threads
> of the Twisted mailing list with subjects containing "synchronous",
> including this long one [3]).
>  My question is: What is your reaction?
> a) "Nice hack! Go on!"
> b) "Go on if you like, but you won't be able to use advanced Trial stuff
> (like timeouts), let alone Trial."
> c) "Go on if you wish, but you are missing the beauty of Twisted."
> d) "Stop it now. You have clearly misunderstood Twisted. You are wasting
> your time and ours."
> e) Any other...
>  Do you think Twisted is the right tool for my use case, or am I doing
> an ugly hack to do what I want, which means I should rather use another
> tool?
>  Sorry for the length of this post, and thanks in advance for your help.
>  Louis
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
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