On 05/31/2012 09:43 AM, Daniel Bryan wrote:
> Here's an example based on an application that I have in production.
> It's a bit amateurish - and I'm going to mangle the language - but you
> should get the idea.
> This is an extract from the main script:
> ===
> Class Handler(Resource):
>          pass # application code goes here - HTTP request handling, etc.
> If you run the above script, it will run Twisted from a trapped terminal.
> For deployment, I've built a server.tac file in the same directory:
> ===
> import twisted.application.service as Service
> from twisted.application.service import IProcess
> from twisted.application.internet import TCPServer
> # append the working directory to sys.path so that we can import the
> handler module
> import sys
> import os
> sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__))
> import handler
> factory = handler.get_handler()
> application = Service.Application('Data Collector')
> IProcess(application).processName = 'data-collector'
> TCPServer(8080, factory).setServiceParent(application)
> ===
> I can then run this command:
> ===
> twistd -y server.tac
> ===
> And it'll start up the server and daemonise the process, running it as
> a service.
Shame on my lame brain !!
So ... if currently my 'core' script is a tac file ...
and the 'additional' script come in reactor.run style ...
basically ... all I need is to 'import' the 'additional' to my current 
tac file.

Right ?


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