On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 10:19 AM, Nick Johnson <nick.john...@ed.ac.uk>wrote:

> Thanks lvh,
> I did have to override the buildProtocol method in the Factory but I
> then set Protocol.factory to be equal to the Factory (ie,
> myprotocol.factory=self).

You could (perhaps should) do this by calling
ClientFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr).

> I'm still stuck however with what to do when I get more complex than
> this simple case. For example, I use a callingLoop to call multiple
> connections with a 0.1 second interval to launch jobs and each of those
> connections does as mentioned by setting up a future connection to
> retrieve the output, say 10 seconds later. There is going to be some
> overlap, ie I might have launched 100 new jobs before the first one
> fires it's task.callLater.
> Storing state in the factory class doesn't work in this case because
> each new connection wont know whether to initiate a job or retrieve
> output as I cannot pass it this extra information.

I don't understand why not. Could you elaborate?

Either way, it seems to me that the API should be:

d = scheduleJob()

That is: only get the job once it has been scheduled. getJob would probably
have to be split up into something that delays (consider delayLater), and
something that actually gets the job.

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