Sure - I'm not a committer, but I'll do my best.
Am 09.10.2014 18:21 schrieb "HawkOwl" <>:

> On 10 Oct 2014, at 6:56, Glyph Lefkowitz <> wrote:
> > On November 1, ClusterHQ is going to be hosting a Twisted sprint in
> Boston.
> >
> > One of the things that tends to put a damper on such events is the
> perpetual backlog of tickets in review, many of which have been there
> seemingly forever.
> >
> > I would like to propose that we - the whole Twisted community, but
> especially Twisted committers - give these sprinters a morale boost, by
> giving them a clean slate, review-queue wise.  This will let them focus on
> developing cool new stuff, getting a release out, fixing gnarly old bugs,
> or whatever strikes their fancy, instead of just grinding through reviews
> the whole time, or feeling bad about leaving those reviews outstanding.
> >
> > Right now, we have 58 tickets in review.
> >
> > <>
> >
> > Here's my proposal:
> >
> > I am looking for at least 4 volunteers for a "review rally" starting on
> Monday, October 13.  If each of 5 reviewers (the 4 volunteers, plus myself)
> can review 2 tickets per day for one week, until Sunday, October 19, we can
> clear 70 tickets, which should take care of the existing 58 tickets
> currently queued up, plus any that get resubmitted during that week.
> >
> > While some volunteers should be Twisted committers since we have plenty
> of pending contributions from non-committers that need review, there are at
> least 11 tickets in review from core contributors right now, so
> non-committer volunteers are equally appreciated!
> >
> > Of course, if we get 9 volunteers, then each reviewer only has to do one
> ticket per day, an even more tractable goal.  And so on into the higher
> numbers :-).
> >
> > Who is with me?!?!
> >
> > -glyph
> >
> > P.S.: While you should of course do this out of its self-evident merit,
> I do plan to recognize participation in some way, at least with a
> commemorative page on, and possibly also with something
> a little goofy like a Mozilla Open Badge :-).
> >
> Sure — I should be doing reviews anyway :)
> -hawkie
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