
Now that the HTTP/2 server changes have landed, one of the things I’d like to 
start dealing with is server Resource dispatch. Those of you who have been 
paying attention to this mailing list will remember that we discussed this a 
bit back when I was originally implementing HTTP/2 logic, and we ended up 
deferring the work for a while. It’s time to re-discuss this.

To try to avoid boiling the ocean I’d like to divide this into small steps. Adi 
has pointed out Twisted ticket #6928, which includes an original patch to allow 
Resources to opt-in to early-dispatch when headers are received. This allows 
them to handle 100 Continue more feature fully than Twisted does today (where 
it unconditionally emits 100 Continue). If Adi is up for it, I’m willing to 
take over the lead reviewer role for that patch and try to help shepherd it 
through the process.

The rest of this mail is a commentary on the proposed interface, which you can 
see here[0]. Note that the patch available there is non-functional: we’re 
mostly concerned with discussing the interfaces, more than we’re concerned 
about the actual function of the patch.

Ok, let’s go.

Adi, my high level summary is that this patch looks reasonable. headersReceived 
is a sensible interface, and while I don’t like the names 
IEarlyHeaders{Request,Resource}, those names can be addressed later in the 
review process. An obvious thing missing from your draft is that the 
HTTPChannel doesn’t check for IEarlyHeadersRequest before calling 
headersReceived, but that’s presumably an oversight.

I’d like separate patches that implement IEarlyHeadersResource for some 
relevant built-in resources, such as t.w.static.File, mostly so we can confirm 
that the behaviour works in cases where we do not need to check the request 

Otherwise, I think this is a good enough prototype to start working from. The 
biggest question mark I have is how we plan to evolve this. The next logical 
step, presumably, is a new set of interfaces (children of 
IEarlyHeaders{Request,Resource}) that allow for streaming body delivery. I’m a 
bit nervous about wanting to publish too many of these *intermediary* 
interfaces, especially because it will mean we need fallback code for each case 
(what about Resources that don’t implement IEarlyHeadersResource?, what about 
Resources that don’t implement IStreamingBodyResource? each requires a new code 
path). In this instance, I’d want to be pretty aggressive about deprecating 
older interfaces and ensuring that people move to the newer interface model. 
Perhaps when we merge this we should deprecate plain Resource objects and 
encourage people to move to IEarlyHeadersResource, so that they have a smaller 
delta when streaming resources are implemented too.

Those are my high level thoughts. If anyone else has feedback please feel free 
to leap in, but otherwise I’m going to encourage Adi to provide a “proper” 
patch (or possibly sequence of patches) that we can more formally review.



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