On Jul 15, 2016, at 18:51, Craig Rodrigues <rodr...@crodrigues.org> wrote:
> Since you are working on this, can you write up the wiki page with the
> correct way to subscribe to the mailing list, and correct any links on the web
> page to point to the wiki page?

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 2:12 AM, Glyph Lefkowitz
<gl...@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
>> I'd rather spend the time I have available to complete the actual admin work
> necessary to move to the new list.  I would appreciate it if someone else
> could take this part on.

I thought I could add this to the Wiki as I subscribed this way fairly

- presumably to this page: https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/TwistedCommunity

logged in with my GitHub account though I obviously don't have Wiki edit perms.

It's pretty simple though, you just need to send an email to:

Maybe for more info add a link to here:

Hopefully this will make it easy for someone with perms to update.
Daniel Sutcliffe <dan...@gmail.com>

Twisted-Python mailing list

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