> On Aug 27, 2016, at 18:44, Amber Hawkie Brown <hawk...@atleastfornow.net> 
> wrote:
> On behalf of Twisted Matrix Laboratories, I am honoured to announce the 
> release of Twisted 16.4.0.
> The highlights of this release are:
> - twist, a new command line tool for running Twisted plugins, similar to 
> twistd but with a simpler, cleaner interface.
> - A new interface for Protocols, IHandshakeListener, which tells Twisted to 
> tell the Protocol when the TLS handshake has been completed.
> - async/await support for Deferreds, allowing you to write Python 3.5+ 
> coroutines using Twisted
> - Trial can be invoked with "python -m twisted.trial".
> - All Twisted executables (trial, twistd, etc) are now Setuptools console 
> scripts, meaning they will work much better on Windows.
> - 35+ more modules ported to Python 3, and many many cleanups on the way to 
> Python 3 on Windows support.
> - All the security fixes of Twisted 16.3.1 + 16.3.2 (httpoxy, HTTP session 
> identifier strengthening, HTTP+TLS consuming sockets)
> - 240+ closed tickets overall.
> For more information, check the NEWS file (link provided below).
> You can find the downloads at <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Twisted 
> <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Twisted>> (or alternatively 
> <http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/Downloads 
> <http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/Downloads>>). The NEWS file is also 
> available at <https://github.com/twisted/twisted/blob/twisted-16.4.0/NEWS 
> <https://github.com/twisted/twisted/blob/twisted-16.4.0/NEWS>>.
> Many thanks to everyone who had a part in this release - the supporters of 
> the Twisted Software Foundation, the developers who contributed code as well 
> as documentation, and all the people building great things with Twisted!
> Twisted Regards,
> Amber Brown (HawkOwl)
> PS: Twisted 16.4.1 will be coming soon after this with a patch mitigating 
> SWEET32, by updating the acceptable cipher list.

Really looking forward to using 'twist' on all my infrastructure.  This is a 
great release, everybody!


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