> On Oct 13, 2016, at 12:47 PM, Tom Prince <tom.pri...@ualberta.net> wrote:
> > This applies more generally; no need for any weird hacks.  Any 'new' plugin 
> > could just opt in to a different syntax; we can just look up until the 
> > first ':'; we just need to define a new interface for a new syntax.
> I don't think that this provides a good user experience.
> 1) There are existing endpoints that want nestable endpoints, so either
>     a) They don't change, somewhat defeating the purpose of having a new 
> syntax (or cluttering the endpoint namespace with less than useful endpoints).

We already have this problem, and we will need to do a doc cleanup / 
consolidation / deprecation pass soon.  (see: tcp, tcp6, host, ssl, tls...)

>     b) They change incompatibility, defeating the purpose of trying to 
> maintain backwards compatability.

As you've noticed, we may have several potential "outs" to have 
practically-compatible parsing syntaxes; the real problem is the internal 
factoring of the parsing APIs rather than the syntax.

> 2) As user, I need to learn which endpoints support the new syntax, thus 
> potentially needing to know both methods of quoting and switch between them 
> as appropriate.

As a user you're going to need to read the parameter documentation anyway; 
learning about new syntax is not much different than learning about a new 
parameter.  And you may not realize there _is_ a syntax; most configuration of 
this type is just copying and pasting a reasonable-looking example.  Not to say 
that we should be spuriously incompatible for those who have learned the rules, 
but the only rule to learn at this point is ": separates arguments, \ escapes 
:".  We could add one more rule without unduly stressing the cognitive burden 
of the endpoint system.

> There are a couple of possible ways around this, without requiring a weird 
> hack.
> - I wonder how many endpoints strings have ever been written whose value 
> starts with any of `[` `(` or `{`? I suspect that the number might in fact be 
> 0. In which case, although the change is technically incompatible, in 
> practice it wouldn't be.
> - Alternatively, we could deprecate an unquoted [, (, { at the beginning of a 
> value, and then after a suitable deprecation period (perhaps additionally a 
> release where it is just an error), we could repurpose one of them to act as 
> quoting (leaving the other two for future extensiblity).

I suspect that this would be overkill here; we also have other options, like 
'(: :)', which would be totally compatible (there are no _arguments_ anywhere 
presently named "(").

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