As we're splitting the project into more parts, we may have to do Github org 
surgery to move projects around.

In particular, recently, twisted.python.url got split out into a new package 
called 'hyperlink', which we were initially thinking the Twisted org would 
adopt.  (As it happens a different org will probably adopt it, more on that 
later.)  Adi created a repo to allow Mahmoud to do this, and gave him 
permissions on said repo.

I just deleted this repo :-).  In the future, the right way to do this is to 
have the owner transfer the repo over to the relevant org (this is in the 
"danger zone" in the github UI).  Creating empty repos to move projects around 
breaks a whole bunch of github functionality (clones of the original repo can't 
update, ticket & PR history doesn't transfer over and can't be moved, links to 
forks get broken) and we should generally not do it.


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