On 06/07/17 03:58, Glyph wrote:
On Jul 5, 2017, at 2:32 AM, Barry Scott <barry.sc...@forcepoint.com
<mailto:barry.sc...@forcepoint.com>> wrote:
I am interested in using Twisted with a couple of technologies:
WebSockets and
QUIC. I'm researching what is already available.
Why are you interested in QUIC? My understanding was that Google used
this protocol as an experiment, but HTTP/2 is the successful termination
of the experiment, and nobody should really be using it. (For http2
support, `pip install twisted[tls,http2]`).
QUIC is definitely not dead. HTTP/2 is a clear win over HTTP/1 and was
the easiest first step, but as you've noted there's substantial interest
in running HTTP/2 over better-than-TCP transport (UDP being the only
practical alternative in the near term, what with middleboxes being so
horribly omnipresent).
As someone else noted, maybe you're thinking of SPDY?
Ironically the goals of QUIC are, I believe, similar to Vertex ;o)
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