A few weeks ago I attended Pybay 2017 in San Francisco ( http://pybay.com ).

I attended three interesting talks on asyncio:

Performant Asynchronous Programming at Quora:

How Optimizely Scaled its REST API with Asyncio

Awaits, how do they work?

While none of these talks used Twisted,
a few of the talks briefly mentioned Twisted when talking about the
history of async style programming in Python.

>From what I can see, now that asyncio is in the Python standard library,
more people and companies are more open trying async-style things,
and are moving to the Python asyncio way of doing thing.

During the Optimizely presentation, I asked them what the biggest pain point
for them was, and the they responded that lack of asyncio support
in the frameworks they used (specifically Pyramid).

I think over time, more frameworks will support this, and the overall
will improve.

But overall, it seems that people are buying into the Python asyncio way of
doing things.

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