On 2017-09-19, at 15:49, Moshe Zadka <zadka.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 3:51 AM ex vito <ex.vitor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Other than that, again, per that section's rules, not being a commiter 
> myself, I'm in no position to approve such a change. I wonder, however, how 
> "urgent" such a final change is to you and why a deprecation cycle does not 
> fit your purpose (even though, admittedly, it may represent more effort).
> I think that between the low likelihood that someone went crawling over the 
> attributes manually, the RoI of having a deprecation cycle with some 
> intermediate solution that later needs to be cleaned up, and the fact that 
> this would be a clean break (i.e., "AttributeError") rather than some obscure 
> error, I am at least interested in opinions about going the exception route.
> ProcMon is non-trivial to product ionize, and I'm not aware of anyone even 
> using it in production, other than me, let alone crawling over its internal 
> state.

Agreed. For completeness, the code I work with does not make use of ProcMon and 
I don't recall having ever used it.

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