On Mar 12, 2018, at 10:27 PM, Amber Brown <hawk...@atleastfornow.net> wrote:
> The buildbots went after someone said that the RAX hosting was going away, 
> and I (and a few others) didn't get the (annoyingly quiet) correction that it 
> was only for new projects (which was not how the original was written). All 
> the twisted list got was the original letter from the SFC without a "false 
> alarm" followup. By the time people pointed it out, it was too late.
> I have the ansible configs to rebuild them all, but unfortunately, Life has 
> not stopped since January and hasn't got worse. If anyone wants to take a 
> stab, the ansible configs are in the twisted-infra repo.

Thanks for the explanation; I was tearing my hair out (what little remains, 
anyway) trying to figure out what the heck had happened! :)  I do remember that 
ill-fated email.  Normally I'd say we should never deprovision infrastructure 
until it's torn, bloody, from our lifeless hands, but the way the free 
Rackspace account is set up means overages go to bill the SFC and deplete their 
general fund, so I can see not wanting to have anything unnecessary hanging 
around there if the discount were to end.

(For those of you that may not have been informed at the time: 


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