This is an unfortunate implementation detail that you can address by starting 
the logging system.

Try this:

from twisted.logger import globalLogBeginner, textFileLogObserver
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
import sys


def raiseErr(what):
    raise Exception(what)

d = Deferred()

You should see a traceback.

For future reference, the important lines are these:

from twisted.logger import globalLogBeginner, textFileLogObserver
import sys

They should be executed before any code that uses Deferreds.  twistd and the 
newer twist Twisted application runners automatically run these for you before 
starting your Service.  This is a great reason to write Twisted application 

Of course it would be better to not have to do anything at all to see important 
information related to errors; the default behavior of Deferred makes things 
harder to understand than they have to be.  Fortunately, good progress has been 
made on this issue:

The associated PR needs a careful review to ensure its handling of unicode is 
correct.  Any takers?

On Fri, May 18, 2018, at 1:56 AM, Shiyao MA wrote:
> Hi,
> Running the following script prints "Unhandled Error", but doesn't
> contain the traceback of where the exception is raised.  In a massive
> codebase, it's hard to locate where is the malfunctioning code is.
> from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
> def raiseErr(what):
>     raise Exception(what)
> d = Deferred()
> d.addCallback(raiseErr)
> d.callback("asdf")
> # how to show the traceback without manually adding an errback at the end?
> # adding at the *end* of a deferred is hard as we don't know when the
> client stops adding callbacks.
> -- 
> Best,
> Shiyao
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