On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 1:00 PM Glyph <gl...@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:

> I believe the proximate cause of the conflict here is that we're dealing
> with this regression incorrectly.  When a regression is introduced, there's
> a process for dealing with it, originally documented here:
> https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/ReviewProcess#Revertingachange. [1]
>  The principle we need to outline clearly is this: if we have a regression,
> the change that introduced it should be reverted as soon as possible.  If
> we *can't* revert it directly because of changes to trunk in the
> meanwhile that introduce conflicts, ideally the change that we would make
> would be the closest possible thing to reverting it, even if that
> reintroduces a known bug that we have to reopen.
> In the case where a lot of work has happened in the interim, and it's *less
> work* to just "fix forward" on top of trunk, it's fine to do a small fix
> as an end run around this process.  The goal of this process is to minimize
> the work required to restore trunk to a releasable state.
> Right now we have three competing fixes which have all been flagged as
> incorrect in various ways:
>    - from Tom: https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/1499
>       - Craig rejected this one by saying it will break "certain
>       versions" of Python, but I don't understand why it was closed rather 
> than
>       reviewed / reassigned as normal.  (Or for that matter which versions are
>       the problems, or how it breaks them.)
Yes, that is correct.  Over the summer, while investigating failures on
Azure CI caused by to non-ASCII characters in
a submitter's GitHub user ID.  I spent a lot of time testing in a Windows
environment on Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8.
I found that there were subtle differences in the default encoding on the
console between each Python version,
and that affected the logic in _checkProcessArgs().
The fix that I did over the summer addressed the problems and fixed all the
CI issues.

There were two corner cases that were uncovered.  One by me, and one by Tom

CORNER CASE 1:    In Buildbot, they patch sys.stdout with io.StringIO in
their tests which affects their tests which call the Twisted Reactor.
                                   io.StringIO is not a 100% proper
replacement for sys.stdout which is of type _io.TextIOWrapper on Python 3+.
                                   However, Buildbot's tests have been
around for a long time, so I decided

CORNER CASE 2:    In a Windows GUI Application, sys.stdout is None.  So you
cannot get the encoding from sys.stdout.encoding

In https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/1502, I have a very small patch
which addresses those two corner cases.
I need to write a good test for it, but I think it is good enough to go
into the release.

(1) I would like to drop Python 3.5
(2)  Look at removing the _checkProcessArgs() function.  The complexity of
bytes/unicode logic in there was more useful
       in the Python 2 days when dealing with the differences between how
Python on Windows handled args/env vs.
       how Python on POSIX handled args/env.  I think this function can
completely go in a Python 3.6+ world, and will greatly simplify the code.
       However, this needs to be carefully tested and reviewed.

>    - from Adi: https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/1501
>       - Craig rejected this one by saying "please stop working on this"
>       but it also doesn't have any technical reason that this solution is
>       incorrect.
> Yes, that is correct.  Sorry if that was an aggressive action on my part,
but I did a fix for this, as described above.

>    - from Craig: https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/1502
>       - This was originally given a passing review by Povilas from the
>       Buildbot project, but twm added an additional blocking review shortly
>       thereafter explaining that it introduced an additional regression.  It
>       seems as though this one is now actively being worked on?
> Craig: you closed two of these issues on the basis that you were "already
> working on a fix", but that's not a valid reason to *close* a PR.  Or,
> for that matter, to give it a failing review.  In the future, please
> comment on PRs that you don't want merged by pointing out their technical
> insufficiency, so that we can take the opportunity to learn for the benefit
> of future maintenance.  In this case, the underlying issue is clearly quite
> nuanced and requires expertise that touches platform differences in
> Python's core APIs, so having multiple people working on different fixes is
> totally fine; this effort is not wasted if everybody learns a little bit
> about the code in question, and it's *definitely* not wasted if we have
> to synthesize our approaches in the end anyway because they address
> different cases.

OK, thanks for the feedback, and sorry for any process violations or hurt
feelings from my actions.

> All of these fixes have each been outstanding for weeks, which strongly
> suggests that this is *way* too hard to fix forward and we should have
> stopped trying a while ago.  We should fall back to the previous one if in
> *any* way possible, then reintroduce the changes which caused it.  If
> we're really just about to land 1502, then feel free to complete the work
> there, but in the future we should regard this kind of delay in reverting
> as a process failure.

No, the fixes have been outstanding for weeks mainly due to the fact
that certain personal circumstances came up in my life, such that I had to
refocus my time away from Twisted for a few months,
compared to the time I had over the summer of 2020.  I now have more time,
and am committed to getting this release out.

> If there are too many conflicts to address in a revert, and reverting
> means we need to revert 3 or 4 tickets which have built on top of that
> work, then let's just do that and get those re-merged later as well.  It's
> unfortunate to ship without features but it's better than multi-month
> release hold-ups.
> (Note: a straight revert doesn't require a full code review.  If you can
> revert a merge and CI is happy with it, feel free to get an administrator
> to smash the red button to merge immediately.)
>    1. Can we revert the change that introduced 10069 so that we can
>    follow the process to re-introduce it after a release has been made, and
>    have the conversation about which PR to accept and why post-release?
I would rather not do this.  I would rather proceed with
https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/1502 , which is minimal,
and addresses the corner cases.

Going through the whole revert, resubmit, retest is going to add more delay
to the release.

>    1. Do we need to revert the release process changes from
>    https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/1464 for this release?  If so,
>    what is the specific technical need this addresses?
I do not agree with the changes in PR 1464.  I think a better solution
would have been to have a separate release.yml workflow,
which could be triggered.  By clicking the "Create a New Release" link on
I had a working prototype here: https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/1423
, and I successfully pushed some releases to

However, even though I disagree with the approach in PR 1464, since
multiple people have decided that this is what they want,
I'll just go with this.

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