On Sun, Feb 28, 2021 at 1:55 PM Adi Roiban <a...@roiban.ro> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks Craig for managing this release.

You are welcome Adi!

I am happy to contribute my efforts to the Twisted community and to push
the project along.

In 2015-2016, unfortunately I lost my job.  While in between jobs, I
contributed a lot to the effort
to port Twisted to Python 3.  It was a very enjoyable experience, and I
learned a lot of Python at the time. :)

I joined the Python 2 porting party late, and there were others who
invested a lot of time and effort into it.
Amber did a heck of a lot of work before me on Python 3 porting, and did a
lot of work after I contributed.
I don't remember who else contributed, but there were a lot of folks
including you, Jean-   , Glyph, and others.

The earliest Python 3 ticket I can find in the Trac is this one from 14
years ago filed by Itamar!!


Honestly, at the time, when I was working on Python 3 porting in 2016, I
wasn't even sure that Twisted
would survive as a project beyond Python 2.

So it is nice to see that Python 2.7 is history, and the Twisted codebase
is incorporating new language
features, types, etc. and is keeping up with newer Python versions.

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