On 09/03/2021 18:53, Glyph wrote:

On Mar 9, 2021, at 3:18 AM, Chris Withers <ch...@withers.org <mailto:ch...@withers.org>> wrote:

I'm not sure we're quite on the same page: I'm not looking to inspect the state, but more be notified when certain edges are traversed.

The way you get notified when an edge is traversed is you add an output to that edge :).

Right, but as best I can tell, outputs in automat have to be defined as part of the state machine class, I need targets only available after class instantiation to be notified.

Again... have outputs.  I think there's something you're leaving out about how you want to have some /generalized/ output, but without knowing a bit more it's hard to say how it could help more :).

I think it's what I said above. TBH, I'm probably going to end up writing "yet another state machine class" that does just what I need, but I think that's okay - not everything has to work for every situation :-)



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