Hello Twistors,

Our venerable hosting provider, tummy.com <http://tummy.com/>, will be 
terminating their business operations on September 30, 2021.

>>> datetime.date(2021, 9, 30) - datetime.date.today()

In addition to being a bit personally sad - Tummy has been an avid supporter of 
the Twisted community since the very beginning - this means we have just about 
60 days to fully migrate our website, mailing list, and DNS's hosting from 
Dornkirk, the machine where it's been running continuously since 2013, to ... 
something else.

There are 2 problems here:

We need a sponsor to help us find a new hosting or cloud provider where things 
can be hosted.  We do pay tummy currently, and we can probably ask the SFC to 
pay a different hosting provider a similar price for equivalent services, but 
ideally we'd find someone willing to donate something so as not to put a drain 
on those resources.

I will need significant help with the operational aspects of the migration.  I 
typically do a bunch of behind-the-scenes system administration for 
twistedmatrix.com <http://twistedmatrix.com/> to keep the whole thing clunking 
along, but after my brain has been fried by a year and a half's worth of 
pandemic stress, I simply don't have the time, energy, or mental capacity to do 
this.  I know I've asked for help before and rarely received any, but if I have 
to do this entirely by myself, the most likely outcome is that I'll migrate DNS 
to some free cloud thing so at least my email address doesn't break (I migrated 
SMTP, and thereby everything associated with personal email addresses to 
Mailgun some years ago, so Tummy is not in that loop for that), and the website 
(and this mailing list) will simply stop working sometime between now and 
October.  So if you'd like to keep www.twistedmatrix.com 
<http://www.twistedmatrix.com/>, speed.twistedmatrix.com 
<http://speed.twistedmatrix.com/>, our IRC bot (which is offline anyway right 
now due to Freenode shutting down), https://twistedmatrix.com/highscores/ 
<https://twistedmatrix.com/highscores/>, this mailing list, or our dogfooding 
instance for Twisted Names DNS, please volunteer so we can start to coordinate.

If you've been wanting to just use Github Issues and don't care about 
preserving any of the data in Trac, congratulations, you're about to win that 
argument by default ;-).

In the worst case scenario, I will download a backup image before things get 
turned off in case someone wants to deal with this 


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