
This is a quick message to let you know that the current mailing list service
will migrate from the Twisted own hosted services
to the mailing list service provided by the Python organization.

The migration is scheduled to start on the 5th of August, 2021
17:00 UTC time (10:00am PDT / 18:00 BST)

The following email address will no longer be available:


The new address will be:


The new archive will be hosted at the following link that will be
available after the migration:


All existing subscribers will be migrated.

If you only interact with the mailing list using your email
you only need to update your existing filters
and update your email contact address for the list.

The migration is expected to take about 3 hours.

After the migration, Glyph plans to implement an email redirection,
so even if you send emails to the old address we should still receive them.
Subject to availability :)

We also plan to redirect (via HTTP 308) the old mailing list pages and
archives to the new pages.
This will also happen after the migration.

Have a nice day... and talk to you soon on the new mailing list.

PS: while we do the migration you can still get in touch using
    IRC on Libera #twisted channel
    Matrix/Gitter at https://gitter.im/twisted/twisted

Adi Roiban

Twisted-Python mailing list

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