To Whom it May Concern:
It has truly been an honor to be your insurance agent over the many years that we have been in business! Today it saddens my heart to inform you that The Palmer Agency will no longer be able to handle your insurance needs at this time. Some of you are aware and some are not on the difficult battle that took place beginning in 2013 - trying to save the life of my infant son (while I was pregnant). I do not regret any decisions that I made to try everything I humanly could to save my son - even though it was unsuccessful & now he rests in the arms of Jesus. Today I still have multiple complications from the decisions that I made to fight for my son and I have multiple, complicated hospital stays that I must focus on. If you would have asked me years ago if I would no longer be a Farmers Agent so soon I would have never believed you - but also if you would have asked me if I would have had my home burn down to the ground, or my son die in my arms exhausting all options that I could do I would never believe that either! Unfortunately we are not promised an easy life or a fair life. That is why we have to life each day as if it is our last day and put God first every day. Everyday I choose to pick up my cross daily. Right now in my career - I can no longer be your agent. I am so sorry for this. I am honored that you have chosen me for this because I do know that you have the option to chose. I hope that you can understand that right now I need to focus on being the best Mommy/Wife to an amazing husband, and two beautiful girls that I still have here for as long as possible!

I know reading this could be filled with anger and frustration but I pray that you find understanding in your heart for my situation. You are not going to be left out in the cold. There are great notes on every single account. You are still with the most amazing company Farmers Insurance. At the end of this email you will have all the contact information needed to be able to get in touch with anyone on your account. It has been great getting to know each and every one of you and your families. I pray nothing but the best for all of your families! I would like to assure each and everyone of you that I made sure that I didn't leave until everything was in place to make sure every client would be completely taken care of - you can verify that if needed. I got with the district office & I put off multiple needed medical stays to assure that not even one client wouldn't have a way to reach an agent to help them! I wouldn't want to be treated that way & I wouldn't want to treat any of my clients that way!

Most importantly in this Goodbye I would want you to take a moment and look at your life. Is it over whelming? I can remember when I thought that things were so hectic and stressful....then my house burned down. Then I doesn't get any worse then that. Then I got pregnant while I was in transition from my house burning down. Then I found out my son had a multi-cystic kidney & no Dr's wanted to help me! Then I had to go around the country begging for help convincing Dr's that my son's life mattered! Then I endured painful treatments multiple times a week to save my son......then I got an infection and my son passed away before Christmas & I remember thinking can't I go back to when I thought life was hectic and stressful? If you have healthy & happy children you will never know how blessed you truly are! I thank God for every moment I have had with my children. God never promised life would be easy. I urge anyone reading this to get into God's word and his promises and he can and will turn whatever situation your in around if you allow him!

Thank You All & God Bless,

Emily Palmer

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