For one, you'll need to get your account whitelisted.  POST requests
aren't rate limited as a rule, but there are some rules around the
number updates and direct messages one can send per day that apply
whether you're using the API or the web site.  Getting whitelisted
lifts those limits.

Beyond that, feel free to POST either serially or in parallel.  Five
at a time sounds perfectly reasonable.

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 4:28 PM, Tony Stubblebine
> I'm building an app for managing large twitter accounts and have two
> desires. One, to be able to mass-follow a selection of people who are
> following me. Two, to send direct messages to all followers or to
> slices of my followers. These may bring up etiquette/user-expectation/
> spam issues, but first I want to get a very specific RATE limiting
> question answered.
> The documentation says that POST requests are not limited. My test
> account has 4900 followers and 4600 unfollowed followers. Can I DM
> them in parallel? Serially? Five at a time? What's the polite thing to
> do here?
> Thanks,
> Tony

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

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