Those are both gaps we hope to address in the next major release of
the API.  Thanks for your feedback!

On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 8:07 AM, PockeTwitDev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems the search api is still lacking a few things to bring it in
> line with the rest of the twitter api.  My first issue was the lack of
> xml output.  I was able to write special handlers to use the atom
> format instead, but it'd be nice for it to be consistant.
> My second issue was the lack of any in_reply_to_status_id information
> on the results.  I was trying to recreate a conversation by searching
> for responses @thefirstuser and looking at their in_reply_to_status_id
> to see if they were answers to the original question.  Unfortunately,
> that seems impossible with the current implementation.
> Thank you for the product and API, I look forward to seeing how it
> grows in the future.

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

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