Alright, we've filed this bug, although it's not specific to the API.  Thanks!

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 3:59 PM, OK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alex, per your standards, they are not appearing in the correct order.
> (When it was marked as a favorite.)
> The following are the most recent favorites I have marked, with the
> most recent at the top.
> Check my favorites list, and you will see they are not in this order.
> SeoulBrother I leave it to you, kind reader, to imagine the majesty
> and ferocity to which I rocked Bon Jovi's _Livin' on a Prayer_… What?
> Black Prez.
> abigvictory Note to self: Your sister's number has been busy all day
> because you have been dialing YOUR OWN FUCKING PHONE NUMBER, you
> moron.
> nictate The Obama's White House pet should be a polar bear. Why? 1)
> Daily reminder of global warming threat; 2) Would really stick in
> Palin's craw.
> SeoulBrother The cheering hoots and hollars from the nearby park can
> only mean the Obama just scored a goal.
> abigvictory Yes, I threw out your stale, hard candy corn. Get over it.
> It's not like I cut off your dick and threw it on the highway. But
> keep whining.
> viciousbleu And then I drove off into the night with my white mice, my
> black eye, my uninspected car & no proof of ID or insurance on me at
> the time. :P about 4 hours ago from web
> viciousbleu Officer helps me find the rogue mice for 20 minutes. Once
> wrastled into the cage again, I say thank you, big hugs & tell him he
> can leave. about 4 hours ago from web
> viciousbleu With a fear of things that GNAW, I panic & flee the car.
> Officer pursues. I stop & start crying. "MY SNAKE NEEDS THAT!" I say
> w/ black eye. about 4 hours ago from web
> viciousbleu Driving home alone from PetCo, I see blue lights behind
> me. As I reach for my insurance, I notice a large mouse perched on my
> shoulder. about 5 hours ago from web
> viciousbleu Still with mock black eye & split lip, we decide it would
> be lulztastic for me to finish my daily errands. So I go buy mice for
> Listysnake. about 5 hours ago from web
> viciousbleu Okay, shower done...recapping time. 1st- black eye. I had
> a friend from the theater randomly stop in. Goofing off included stage
> makeup
> abigvictory Sometimes I wonder if Todd's obsession with prison shows
> isn't telling of some desire to be anally raped. Did I say wonder? I
> mean hope.
> badbanana They want $1,800 to take down a giant tree in my yard
> because it will someday fall down for free.
> SeoulBrother It may be sexy and erotic in the sack but when it comes
> to Guitar Hero, it's hard to ignore the fact that my left hand is a
> complete idiot.
> ivegotzooms Ah, thanks so much for taking the time to type "enjoy" on
> that forwarded e-mail, because otherwise I might have tried to jam it
> up my nose.
> thedayhascome I can tell that I'm going to be a great father because I
> hate music with children singing in it.
> twoname I just pooped so hard I threw up. Is that anything?
> gordonshumway Nothing makes me feel a thousand years old like having a
> drawer full of buttons.
> pdxgrrrl My bigass cat managed to squeeze into a tight little box. No,
> that's not a euphemism for anything.
> sween Nice thing about a 140 character limit, it cuts me off when my
> OCD has me stuck on the letter
> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
> Moltz That two hours of television a day that kids are supposed to
> watch - that's a minimum, right?
> thedayhascome I couldn't find my boss a greeting card that says I want
> to quit my job, so I slit his tires instead. Hope he likes it just the
> same.
> Tony_D This week, we witnessed an historic event that brought together
> millions of people across the land. That's right, I got a new coffee
> mug.
> detweiler Look static cling, I just don't think we're ready for this
> kind of relationship. I'm just not that kind of guy...
> twoname sitting in my car, outside the bar, reading Twitter and
> farting. A lot. I guess this could be filed under "change."s
> shoesonwrong I can't tell if my cats are fighting, bathing each other,
> or having gay sex. There's so much I don't understand as a straight
> person.
> Tony_D Toaster, meet tub. Tub, meet toaster.
> bcompton No one is selling "No We Didn't, But I Really Wanted Us To! I
> Glad You Did, Though! Whew!" tshirts for Obama redstaters like me.
> smartasshat I had to cancel my appointment at the sperm bank. I told
> them I couldn't come.
> ivegotzooms Dream walk to desk: Arms in glorious girly fight windmill
> mode as I scream *pew!* *pew!* *pew!* Reality: "Good morning to you
> too."
> detweiler Lost two followers after my meth tweet. People, this is
> Nebraska. We have corn and we have meth. I only have so many jokes
> about corn.
> Robsama The wife said something funny and tweet worthy, but I wasn't
> listening to her so I forgot. Star this and make her feel better.
> Thanks
> sween Cat sat on my chest this morning. Left poop stain on t-shirt.
> This is the internet now that the election is over.
> vmarinelli Oh and by the way, Joe the Plumber, enjoy that new tax cut.
> You ungrateful bastard.
> badbanana My daughter needed some help with her fractions homework.
> Half of me thinks I helped, but 3/4 of me isn't so sure.
> califmom I think my happy pill was a placebo.
> gruber Alaska sure looks like a state full of shitheads.
> Moltz I never had trouble getting shoes that fit when I was young, but
> now I can't seem to. And it all started right after my wisdom toes
> came in.
> @MsDiagnosed The LayaSpot is a good one. Goes for about $40-60. I
> think I paid $50 for mine.
> ivegotzooms It really is unfortunate that when I wear a skirt, I
> forget that I'm wearing a skirt. Related: children crying. That might
> be my fault.
> pdxgrrrl The Obamas should get a cat, not a dog. Come on, everyone
> loves pussy!
> Tony_D [An older item named "President" already exists in this
> location. Do you want to replace it with the newer one you are
> moving?]
> BarackObama We just made history. All of this happened because you
> gave your time, talent and passion. All of this happened because of
> you. Thank

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

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