excelent dougw, thanks for the info
What about simultaneos connections? I will be making async calls to
the api from my service.. Is there a max simultaneos connections or
are they unlimited? can I launch (ie) 1000 request (assuming I have
such amount of different account to log in) or I will be blacklisted?

On 16 ene, 13:00, dougw <igu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Tomas
> Whitelisting works on IP, which allows your IP unlimited API calls.
> Whitelisting can be requested athttp://twitter.com/help/request_whitelisting
> If you aren't whitelisted, then rate-limiting occurs per user for
> authenticated methods. The friends_timeline is an authenticated method
> which would limit your calls to at most 100 requests per hour per
> user.
> @dougw
> On Jan 16, 10:40 am, Tomas Fornara <forna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I would like to know if there is some limit on the amount of
> > *simultaneous *connections
> > I can stablish with the API?
> > Other question..
> > if I iterate asking for the friend timeline of several users (whom I log
> > into the api).. the limit is 100 conns/hour.. right? it is for my app, my IP
> > or the logging user account.
> > Thank in advance.
> > forna...@twitter.com
> > Developer

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