Was the flow previously that by following someone you where approving them
to follow you? Or has it always been the way it currently is?
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 02:18, Daniel Kwiecinski <
daniel.kwiecin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> OK, that's answers my question - it is not possible to establish a relation
> between 2 users via API in order to allow sending direct messages.
> It arises question number two:
>   Is it prohibited to pretend web GUI so my app will using pure HTTP will
> accept "follow request" ?
> Thank you,
> Daniello
> 2009/1/15 Damon Clinkscales <sca...@pobox.com>
>> Until the "follow request" is approved by user A, B is not really
>> following A.  Therefore A can't send a DM to B.
>> AFAIK, there's not a way to do the follow approval process step via
>> the API.  That step is done in the Twitter UI.
>> -damon
>> On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Daniel Kwiecinski
>> <daniel.kwiecin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Following your advice I executed:
>> >
>> > 3.)
>> >
>> >    curl -u user_a:pass_a -d ""
>> > http://twitter.com/friendships/create/user_b.json
>> >
>> >
>> {"description":"","screen_name":"user_b","url":null,"name":"user_b","protected":false,"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/
>> static.twitter.com
>> \/images\/default_profile_normal.png","location":"","id":xxx,"followers_count":1}
>> >
>> > but I can not send direct messages from user_a to user_b ;(
>> >
>> > 4.)
>> >
>> >    curl -u user_a:pass_a -d "user=user_b&text=bla"
>> > http://twitter.com/direct_messages/new.json
>> > {"request":"\/direct_messages\/new.json","error":"You cannot send
>> messages
>> > to users who are not following you."}

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