Hi there,

That has always been the case on search.twitter.com. We're working on how to support conversations better both on the site and via the API using things like in_reply_to_id. We'll keep you posted as new stuff becomes available.

  — Matt Sanford

On Jan 27, 2009, at 05:30 PM, drupalot wrote:

I'm not sure if it's always been this way or if it's a new
development, but I noticed for the first time today that the only
Tweets with a "show conversation" thread attached to them in
search.twitter results are @reply Tweets. Just to emphasize, I mean
that only Tweets that being with "@[username]" have conversation-
threads attached to them. Regardless of how someone replies to a a
particular Tweet, it will not display a "show conversation" thread
unless the original Tweet begins with an @reply. This seems strange.
Has this always been the case? Is there a reason for this? Is there
any way to find conversations that don't begin with an @reply tweet? I
can explain why this is important for our mashup, but wanted to start
with this question.

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