I have gotten OAuth GET requests working nicely, but POST is a
different story.  I am trying to post an update (tweet) using OAuth,
and I'm not quite sure where to put all of the parameters.

Endpoint: http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml

I have tried puting all of the parameters (status, source,
in_reply_to_id, oauth_*) in the POSTDATA fields of the request, but I
get a 401 "Invalid OAuth Request" response.

Then I tried putting just the twitter specific params (status, source,
in_reply_to_id) in the POSTDATA fields, and leaving the oauth_* params
in the query string of the URL. Same 401 "Invalid OAuth Request"

I am curious which of these ways *should* work?

I can get verify_credentials, favorites, etc using the same
oauth_token and nonce/signature methods just fine.

Anybody got POST requests going yet?


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