I believe that Twitter should become an OpenID provider. No other
service has seen the kind of growth around the API that Twitter has,
and while HTTP Basic is an insecure method of accessing it provides a
wonderful ease of use for the end user. Now that OAuth is not just in
the pipeline but in the here and now, I think that it will be
important for Twitter to also provide OpenID. Here's why:

* It would allow Twitter API apps to use the one-two punch of
Twitter's OpenID and Twitter's OAuth to provide SSO functionality
while maintaining account security.
* Twitter accounts are some of the easiest to remember and most
prevalent links around these days. Using that as an OpenID would make
it really easy!
* Wrapping a "log in with Twitter" or "Twitter Connect" option would
be super-easy and super-useful.

Is this something you (the API team) have thought about? If so, what
is the possible timeline on this kind of functionality? I have to
admit that my inquiry is somewhat selfishly motivated: I am giving a
"Twitter on Rails" talk this year at RailsConf about using Twitter as
an SSO and I'd love to be able to show people a solution that is easy
AND secure.


Michael Bleigh

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