To add to Blaine's comments, we would love to see folks with general
ideas or thoughts about improving OAuth's user experience contribute
to the existing OAuth wiki: (also a PBWiki) or
sharing your thoughts on the OAuth mailing list(s).

The iMovie to YouTube flow that Blaine alluded to can be seen here:

This slidedeck gives an overview of OAuth and demonstrates the Fire
Eagle flow:

Here's how Pownce dealt with this on the iPhone:

Looking forward to your feedback!


On Feb 19, 4:39 am, Blaine Cook <> wrote:
> Please feel free to bring this discussion to the OAuth list, either at
> the IETF (where we are currently fielding last-call for the IETF
> charter) at the OAuth
> users' group,
> I'd also recommend checking out some very successful desktop
> applications that use OAuth or OAuth-like flows, including Netflix on
> the XBox, iMovie's YouTube integration, and any desktop Flickr
> uploaders. In particular, engaging the developers of those
> applications and the developers at NetFlix, YouTube, and Flickr, may
> produce insights from running production services of this type. All
> the relevant parties are on the OAuth lists, but may need some coaxing
> to comment. ;-)
> cheers,
> b.
> On Feb 19, 12:27 am, Cameron Kaiser <> wrote:
> > > Thanks for setting up that wiki, I just added a link to some thoughts
> > I'm putting some of my thoughts on there too. Hopefully others will join in.
> > --
> > ------------------------------------ 
> > personal:
> >   Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems **
> > -- Of course, what I really want is total world domination. -- Linus 
> > Torvalds -

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